The initial symptoms of cirrhosis should not be overlooked.(Share treatment methods)

The initial symptoms of cirrhosis should not be overlooked.(Share treatment methods)

What is cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis is a disease in which the liver is continuously damaged and inflammatory reactions occur, resulting in necrosis of liver tissue, which is replaced by fibrous tissue, which is an alternative tissue, and function is reduced. As liver inflammatory reactions are repeated, tissue damage and fibrosis continue, and cirrhosis progresses.Patients with cirrhosis can experience various discomfort in their daily lives. First of all, as liver function decreases, digestion is not smooth, appetite is reduced, and problems such as weight loss and nutritional deficiency can occur. In addition, the patient may experience lethargy and fatigue because the toxin cannot be removed due to a decrease in liver function. Symptoms such as encephalopathy can also appear if the liver does not function properly and the metabolism of substances in the body increases blood pressure and affects the brain.cirrhosis also increases the risk of developing liver cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, it is important to detect and treat cirrhosis early. early symptoms of body danger signals and cirrhosis cirrhosis may not show any special symptoms in the early stages. However, some people may experience the following initial symptoms.1. One of the roles of fatigue and anxiety is energy production. Damage to the liver can reduce energy production in the body and cause fatigue and anxiety.2. Digestive problems Liver produces bile that helps digestion. If the liver is damaged, digestion problems may occur. Digestion problems can cause symptoms such as abdominal bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and nausea.3. Bad breath and vomiting If the liver does not function properly, toxic substances may accumulate in the body, causing bad breath and vomiting.4. Weight loss If your liver is damaged, your body’s energy production will decrease and you may experience weight loss.5. Damage to the itchy liver increases toxic substances in the body, which can cause itching.If early symptoms of cirrhosis occur, it is important to visit a doctor immediately for treatment. Because cirrhosis is a preventable disease if detected early. Is there any cure for cirrhosis?Hepatic cirrhosis shows symptoms and it is difficult to recover liver cells that are already damaged. However, it is possible to slow or stop the progression of cirrhosis with treatment.1. It is very important to reduce or avoid alcohol consumption, which is the main cause of liver cirrhosis and lifestyle improvement. If the cause of cirrhosis is caused by viruses such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, you must receive antiviral treatment suitable for the virus. It is also important to improve your lifestyle, such as smoking, improving your weight and eating habits.2. Take antioxidants and antidotes Take antioxidants and antidotes to slow the progression of cirrhosis. Antioxidants protect liver cells, while antidotes remove toxins from the liver.3. Liver transplantation If liver cirrhosis is severe, liver transplantation may be necessary. At this time, the liver is transplanted after receiving the liver tissue of a healthy person.The later liver cirrhosis is found, the more difficult it is to treat, so it is important to maintain regular medical checkups and healthy lifestyle habits.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image